A new World’s Fair hosted in the United States.
The World’s Fair used to be an event that inspired millions of people all around the world to dream of a better and more cooperative future. Currently, the United States is becoming divided and more pessimistic about the future. I think this is worrying and not what our country is about. I want to get back to dreaming big again. I want our country to come together and work on building a brighter future together. And I think hosting a World’s Fair is a great opportunity to do this.
- There seems to be two approaches most want to take to tackle this challenge. The first is the traditional or historical way, where the federal and local governments are involved and provide funding. The other is to completely ignore the government and try to do it ideally without it, as it could be viewed as a hindrance, rather than help. I personally think both approaches should be merged.
- The hardest part of this project is the marketing part. To execute on something this large, you need a LOT of people excited about it. You have to convince government officials, city councils, vendors, companies, organizations, and obviously attendees that this is worth doing. The good news is, people are biased by their peers, so if you convince enough of the right people, you could see peer effects take place.
I've been helping with this project, to see if this idea could come to be.