

A healthcare assistant to help people navigate their own health and the healthcare industry.


The current healthcare system is not really designed for the patient. Instead, it’s designed for the “business” of healthcare, which means treatment. Everyone that operates in the current healthcare system is incentivized to treat you because that’s how they make money.

There are a couple of problems with this. First, if they are incentivized to treat, what will they do? They will treat you, even if it’s not in your best interest. Second, if they get paid to treat, they’re often incentivized to treat you for the most expensive option, because that’s how they make money.

On top of these problems, you also have a massive problem of asymmetric information in healthcare. People just take the word of medical professionals at face value, because who’s going to question their doctor? Yet, doctors are human too. They make mistakes, they don’t always know best. Yet it’s also hard for the patient to get good helpful medical information they can trust outside of their doctor. Doctors overwhelmingly mean well, but they are busy, see tons of patients, and have their own self interests. That’s just reality. I hoped that by empowering the patient, we might be able to swing the balance a bit more.

With Sentinel, I set out to empower the patient because at the end of the day, only you care the most about your health and its outcomes. I felt with the developments in technology, like generative AI, we finally had the tools available to us to empower patients and rebalance the information gaps.
