Disagree with Me is a place to seek out and provide opposing viewpoints.
I created the site because it was something I wanted to exist and something I thought might be helpful for others. I always like seeking out the opposing view on any idea or opinion I have as it helps me get a better understanding about something. By creating a public place to do this, it makes it even more valuable.
- Lots of people find the idea or theme of the site interesting and needed (it gained a lot of support on link sharing sites) but few of those people actually participate. Does this mean people like the idea of others hearing the opposing view but they don’t want to hear it themselves? And/or does the topic sound interesting but less appealing in practice?
- I knew it was going to be an issue but still surprised by how many people like to misbehave and say terrible things on the internet when they are anonymous.
- Even people who participate on a site called Disagree with Me still find disagreement to be uncomfortable.